Saturday, September 4, 2010

Many moments

Some catch up is in order. August was one of the most eventful months we have had...ever! At the beginning of the month Chip was still in Ecuador. He returned to Portland and settled in for only a few days before family starting arriving for the graduation festivities. Graduation was incredible- gorgeous weather, amazing company, and a laughter and tear filled speech delivered by one our closer friends in his class (awesome, Fred). But that isn't all. There were a few certificates that the students voted on and awarded their own classmates. Chip received the one given to the classmate they "would most like to work with in the future". Wow. And I get to live with the guy. It is that good too. Award appropriately granted.

The whole weekend was filled with excitement and sadness- so often those two walk hand in hand. Everyone was excited to be done with school, but sad to leave the nest of school that this class really got comfy and close in.

As part of the many moments we were graced with during this long weekend we also got to include our parents in the ultra sound where we examined what seemed like every organ of our growing babies bodies AND found out gender. We are going to be joined on this adventure with one boy and one girl! Yahoo! I was mostly excited to see their little hearts still beating and legs and arms moving around...and they are the cutest legs and arms I have ever seen...just sayin. We were grateful to share this experience as new parents with OUR parents.

Thanks to our parents as well as Chris, Erika, and Finn who joined us for all the formalities as well as walks in the park, dinners, blueberry picking in the neighborhood, hangin in our hot duplex (95 degrees- no AC- awesome), and lots of laughter. Now, one day to pack and then we hit the road for 15 days to make a clockwise loop around the Northwest hitting our home towns of past as well as a few other favorite spots. Hoping that all the time in the car and on the road will help us ferret out where we might live for the next few years. We'll see!

This quote isn't exactly true, but seemed to fit Chip's life the last 15 months and so I guess we decided not to stop the streak just because he graduated. I will say that some semblance of routine has been nice since we have returned. ;)

"I travel a lot; I hate having my life disrupted by routine." ~Caskie Stinnett

1 comment:

Aunt Laura said...

Hey Chip! Congrats on graduating!! I saw your pic and thought 'what is Dudley doing with that hat on his head!!" Time for a new pair of glasses, eh? Amazing time for you & Audrey!!! so totally awesome, like 2 kiddos at once-unbelievable! Joanie told me about your next move and am super happy for all of you. What sweet times with the 2 fams plus yr. Mom & Dad. Before the docs told us no kids for U, I thought I'd love the whole thing- morning sickness, a growing belly & all of it! you are super blessed, for sure. lots of love- Joanie's sis, Laura