Monday, September 6, 2010


With everything going on, I have not had time to post any pictures of my expanding belly. So, here it goes. I am not going to post every week that we have missed, I will do something with that at the end, but here are a few to see the progression. Baby A and B are moving around a lot these days. I think they are holding dance parties...maybe jumping up and down in their bunk beds...or, just getting to know each other through the silky 2mm thick amniotic sac that separates them. They are moving strongly enough that Chip has been able to feel them on the outside, which is pretty cool. And, I don't think I have mentioned on the blog yet that we found out at our last ultra sound that we are having a girl and a boy! Most excellent.

8 weeks- at home

14 weeks- Mt Hood

18 weeks- Ladd's Addition Rose Garden

21 weeks- Driggs, ID

We are currently at 22.5 weeks. I have had some restless legs, but the nausea is mostly gone. I can't wear normal pants for quite a while now, these two seem to be low riders. I definitely feel like more of a scatter brain at times, and will cry often, even at a sweet commercial on the radio advertising Cheerios. I haven't felt hunger since about week 8, and can't imagine what it will be like to really crave food again, but I do my best to get in as many calories as possible in a day and eat things that are good for all three of us. I guess I can say that overall, I just feel different. This pregnancy thing is totally consuming, in a good way of course. I guess how else to prepare us for the ultimately consuming job of parenting these little ones once they arrive. Can't wait! It will be our honor.

"Love is all fun and games until someone loses an eye or gets pregnant."
-Jim Cole

1 comment:

Hope said...

YES!!! Finally the proof. I love all the photos - what joy to see your belly expanding! Love ya bunches, Hope