Thursday, June 30, 2011

Where WE (mom and dad that is) at- six months

Guest contributor on this blog at the bottom.  So, it is a long one. Enjoy!  

We don't seem to have any pictures of Chip and I will continue to inundate you with pictures of Owen and Ruby instead.  I just love their expressions here.  AND, notice, they are both sitting on their own!

As promised (to myself more than anything), here are some details about how Chip and I are doing six months post Ruby and Owen entering our lives.  In general, this has been the most intense and consuming, and satisfying thing I have ever done.  I guess I knew it would be...but never imagined it like this.  There has been intense love and connection, and also intense loss of sleep, confusion, and frustration.  This is hard, people.

Trying to keep two babies happy and on some sort of schedule requires constant planning, thinking ahead, trying to predict the unpredictable, and more hands and arms than I usually have.   It also means being ready to never get a break.  On one hand I am glad they don't often cry at the same time, and that they take turns with many things like having difficulty sleeping, eating, or needing special attention.  And on the other hand, just when you think you have got a minute to take a deep breath, you don't.  I guess the evenings, after they go to bed,  has been our one moment to regroup (and do things like work on the blog:).  That has been nice. We have done a pretty good job actually, I think, of establishing a routine and schedule that work for us...but somehow I constantly feel like we are existing on the verge of disaster at any moment.  I need to work on this because it takes away from the fun factor for me sometimes.  However, nonetheless, we are loving these two little additions to pieces.  They have such endearing personalities, both as individuals and as a pair.  I feel very be able to stay home and spend my days with them.

Physically, I am still recovering...not from the c-section or anything, more from trying to breast feed.  I was eating so much, thinking a lack of calories was contributing to my supply problems, that I just didn't get my body back as quickly as I expected to.  Just last week,while shopping with a friend, I was congratulated on my pregnancy....Ha!  At least she said I was cute.  So, yeah.  This is tough for me.  But, as of a few months ago, I have been better about getting out, working out, etc. and eating more normally.  So, hopefully this will eventually pay off.
Emotionally, it depends on the day and the moment.  It is a rollercoaster sometimes.  I love being home and being mom and there is nothing else I would rather do right now.  But still,  I am challenged emotionally more often than I wish were the case.  I think it is the cumulative sleep deprivation.  I don't feel tired during the day no matter how many interruptions there were during the night or how few hours I actually slept.  I wish I did, so I could nap when the kids do... like all the books and websites say to.  Instead, I get moody, sensitive, and my self confidence wanes.  Thankfully, all it takes is a better night's sleep and I feel closer to myself again.  Also, loneliness is a passenger on this journey that I wish would take a hike.  He joins me way too often.  I am such a social person and I think underestimated how important being out in the world, having coworkers, etc. was for me. And still, I haven't started looking for work.  The pull to be with Ruby and Owen is greater than I ever thought it could be and is worth whatever it is I am struggling with.  Thank goodness for our amazing community of friends and family, who visit, call, write, and hang out with us.  I love you all! Otherwise,  I mostly want to eat Ruby, Owen, and Chip up sometimes I love them so much.  And, despite some ups and downs, this feeling only seems to get greater every day.

Chip has been amazing as I have mentioned before.  He works an intense job...probably the only one I can think of that can top whatever crazy story I have about being home with twin babies.  It is good.  Puts my stress in perspective sometimes. :) And, somehow he comes home with energy to hold and play with Ruby and Owen, do house projects, do errands with me, and gets out skiing or mountain biking most days he is off.  I could give you more details, but maybe he will have to weigh in here himself and give more details about his thoughts and feelings at this point.

I told you he is I feed and change babies, he is in the kitchen whipping this up for breakfast.  Hel-lo!
And, he remembers to take pictures of something other than our kids.  This is an amazing shot from just up the street.  The wildflowers in our yard and neighborhood are going OFF right now.

These are two outfits that MY twin brother and sister wore in the late 70s.  (Pink must have been more acceptable for boys back then- see trim and birdie playing tennis on his outfit) Awesome, eh?  My mom actually held onto quite a few little numbers.  Hopefully Ruby and Owen will get to try them on their children some day.

One of the things we love most about our new house, is the front porch.  We have been playing out on it ever since it has been warm enough.   We also are loving the sandbox that the previous owners left us.  Ruby and Owen have eaten their fair share of sand already.  Staying on top of keeping things out of two babies mouths is really difficult.  It is like they are working together to get me to look away so they can steal another bite of the grimy stuff!

Some days I just can't wait for OT and Ruster to be walking...and napping less often, freeing our schedule up a bit for getting out more. But, I know that with that stage will come new challenges (like chasing the two of them.  I am sure they will always run in the same direction-ha!) and I will miss this stage where they are so snugly and small and dependent.  So, I am doing my best to enjoy each day along the way.  That is one thing I have realized about babies...they have forced me to live in the moment unlike I ever have.  Thanks for that, Ruby and Owen.  This is only one small example of how you have changed me already.

Chip weighing in: Life is good, kids are amazing, I am loving the job, even in it's crazier moments. Unlike my PA student blog and my sharing of stories on a daily basis from life in the clinics and hospitals, this seems different. I am a more permanent part of a community here, and blogging about the woes of it's citizens for entertainment value has lost it's appeal. But nonetheless, people continue to fall off of everything imaginable, get stabbed in weird places, drink more 3.2 beer than one would think imaginable, and do utterly wild and idiotic things before winding up in the care of the Trauma Service. I am honored to be at their bedside in a critical moment of their lives. I come home tired....but then quickly realize my fatigue can in no way compete with that of the Twin Service.

And deserving of a paragraph of it's own is my amazement with my wife. She continues to be the most self-less and dedicated mother of these little bundles.  Her words above speak to her commitment. She is always looking out for Ruby and Owen's best interest. She is their number one advocate, and that is a difficult job, especially when things don't go as planned, when milk doesn't come in, when 3am finds you awake and running between two rooms, when the first moment to relax is met with a sink full of dirty bottles and laundry stacking up. (I'll take drunk, belligerent, dying patients any day).  But she continues to plug along, loving these kids with each and every cell in her body.  People say "Don't Stress, and Don't Worry......"   And to these people, I'd offer an invite to spend 24 hours shadowing the life of a twin Mom, who is dedicated, loving, feeding, cleaning, caring, wiping, playing, dressing, shopping, pumping, calming, burping, and any other verb with -ing at the end.  She is at the top of her game and a little stress rises to the surface as we continues to figure out this wild, wild ride. I can tell you that I would be completely lost in this wilderness of child-rearing without her.  The kids have been well documented in the previous months of blogging. I love the bugs more than I thought was possible, and I will leave it at that!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Where we at- Six months

Chip and I have always been into the self we are working on continuing that tradition.  A little more difficult to get all five of us, but here is our attempt at least getting the humans in.  Kessler, we will figure out how to get you in eventually.

Six months.  26 weeks.  Half a year.  That is how much time Ruby and Owen have spent outside the womb as part of this world.  Insane!  It has been a big three months since my last detailed update about the kiddos progress.  Again, I will probably include more details than usual, mostly for us when we book the blog, so enjoy or skip.  Either way, I will try to include some pictures to check out.  
In general, raising these guys reminds me of the weather in MT.  We used to say if you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes.  With these guys, it seems like just when you think we have a routine in place that works and I understand, or you think you have their personality or strengths figured out, they change.

Owen Thomas
Weight- 15 pounds 4 ounces (he is up to the 15th percentile!)
Length- 26 inches (35th percentile)
Head circumference- 16.7 inches

Sleep- Owen doesn't need a swaddle, but he still LOVES his binky.  We are not stressed about it anymore.   If Owen were your only child, you would wonder why there are so many books on how to get babies to sleep.   We pretty much just have to put him into his sleep sack, give him his binkie, and put him in his crib and he will put himself to sleep.  Sometimes he wakes up and needs to be cuddled for a little, which is awesome.  He loves to put his head on your shoulder and snuggle in or sleep on our chests.  He melts into your embrace.  It is pure joy to cuddle with him.  Neither of them are sleeping all the way through the night yet.  We get up for one feeding after about seven or eight hours and then again threeish (if I am lucky!) hours later for the morning...way too early in my opinion, but apparently they aren't considering that. I am still hopeful that we can work out a schedule that includes a slightly later wake up time than somewhere between 5:30 and 6:30am.  We'll see.

Owen has been rolling over from his back to his belly since about five months.  I will never forget the first time I went into his room to find him sleeping on his belly.  Somewhat surprised and worried as this was a new thing, I came back into our bedroom to tell Chip, only to find him sleeping on his belly too in almost exactly the same position as I just left Owen.  Funny.

Owen loves to grab and touch ANYTHING he can get his hands on.  He is so busy.  You have to watch what is within his reach, because he is stronger than you think, and will tip a glass of water over, put your bowl of cereal on the floor, and put the magazine near by in his mouth.  
He has been sitting up on his own for about a week now.  This is a major milestone for mom.  I love that when they are not in my arms, they are not mostly on their backs.   He also can scoot around on his belly, mostly in circles for now to reach whatever it is he wants.

Holy sounds.  Owen loves to scream.  He often sends his sister into tears after practicing these screams. He giggles with delight as I have to console and often move Ruby...he must be so entertained by the power and control he has already.  He also loves to laugh (see video below).
We are eating solids now and Owen loves to eat.  He has gobbled up every food we have tried so far.  He does not seem to be very picky so far.  Let’s hope that continues.  

Ruby  Elizabeth

Weight- 16 pounds 4 ounces (she is up to the 30th percentile! )
Length- 25.5 inches (35th percentile)
Head circumference- 17 inches

Sleep- Ruby continues to need her swaddle to sleep.  This is what my worry has latched onto now.  We have tried desperately to wean her off the swaddle, but it just doesn’t work and she ends up needing to be tightly wrapped so that her arms and hands don‘t get into her face and keep her awake.  However, once wrapped up, she sleeps well and wakes up SUPER happy.  It is one of my favorite moments of the day...going to get Ruby when she wakes up.  She welcomes me with giant smiles and wiggles.  We have been rocking Ruby down to sleep, but recently started putting her down to let her get herself to sleep.  And, with a few binkie pops, it seems successful so far.  The whole sleep thing seems to be an ever changing  challenging situation.

Ruby can roll from her belly to her back, the opposite of Owen.  They seem to ying yang each other a lot.  She LOVES to lay on her back and play with her toes.  It is the cutest thing.  She has started scooting around on her belly too.  She can’t seem to move forwards or backwards, but she rotates in a circle on her belly. 

Ruby is a pretty mellow girl.  However, she enjoys playing with her brother… in the gym, in their high chairs, and in the crib.  She loves to stroke his head (or pull his hair), which he is a pretty good sport about.  When he starts messing with her though, she cries right away.  So funny.  
Ruby has also been sitting up on her own for a week or so.  They picked up this skill at almost the exact same time.  Have I mentioned how much easier this skill seems to make my life?

Ruby is a chatty one also.  When other people are around besides mom and dad, she tends to clam up and just observe.  But, when in her comfort zone at home, she loves to experiment with her mouth and throat, making some of the funniest sounds.  And, when left to play with her brother, really gets going.  I often wonder if something is wrong, so I run back to check on them, only to find Ruby squealing at her brother about whatever toys they are playing with.  

And eating.  Ruby eats everything we have tried, but is partial to the avocado for sure.  She smiles and bounces in her seat when she tastes it.  The ground beef is another story.  And honestly, I can't blame her.  It kind of grosses me out.

Well, I could go on and on about more details, I think that is the bulk of it for now.  Next, an update about mom and dad at six months.

 Ruby and Owen love their daddy.  They especially get a kick out of his silly ways.  Here, they are thoroughly entertained by his spins.  The more continuous belly laugh is Ruby, and the screeches of laughter are Owen.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


I am glad to know that although Chip and I have lots of friends and family with kids and we have heard lots of stories about how to do things, we are not immune to total rookie parent moments.  Actually, we are quite familiar with these moments after six months now.  Recently, we tried to take to the trails for our first family hike.  We probably spent a few hours thinking, talking, and putting together what we thought we would need.   We started by ordering a few awesome backpacks to put the kiddos in.  We remembered to pack diapers and wipes in case of a midhike blowout.  We packed their food so we could have a picnic in the woods, which included remembering bibs, spoons, formula, and more wipes.  However, we did not think about the obvious- sun.  So, we headed out, with a few hats in hand, which did not do much to help their blinded eyes as they slid off their heads, blinding them in another way, and frustrating them too.  About every six steps we had to stop and adjust someone's hat, apply more sunscreen, or adjust them in the pack.  At one point Ruby started to get sleepy, which is  when we realized that the straps were not adjusted properly for her to nap.  She practically folded in half in exhaustion.

Owen is very easily distracted when feeding anyway.  The forest was a real challenge when it came to staying focused.  Just too many cool things to check out!:)

So, we did get our picnic in the woods, about 10 minutes from our house, at which point we promptly turned the train around and headed home, Ruby in Chip's arms so she wouldn't break her neck.  Our hours of preparation led to about 20 minutes of adventure.  So typical, eh?  Really lookin forward to our first ski adventure...SO MUCH gear.  Maybe we should start planning now.

 Mmmmm.. avocados just taste better in the woods

Ruby, post lunch picnic, lounging with her dad and pup.

I am happy to report that we were not too discouraged.  We have been out with the packs again.  Our second hike lasted significantly longer, there was significantly less frustration, and everyone ended the hike still in the pack.  Success.

This is a picture of us on the second hike with the crucial sunshades that we did not have on the first one.  You can see that Ruby fell asleep again and that we have not quite figured out the straps still.  Next time for sure.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Let's Eat

I, personally, couldn't be happier that Ruby and Owen are finally eating solids.  After all the drama for us around breastfeeding (update entry to follow on all that), I am just excited for them to be eating normal food like the rest of us.  We started with rice cereal, which went over well, and moved on pretty quickly to more exciting things- avocado, then sweet potatoes, and some local grass fed beef is up next!  So far I have been making their food, which is fun, easy, and finally...something I wanted to do all along that actually is working out as I envisioned it.  Yahoo!  Oma and I served up the first rice cereal at five and half months.  We just couldn't wait any longer.  Ruby and Owen were pawing at our forks and knives during meals, pulling at our water glasses as we gulped, and couldn't take their eyes off of our mouths as we filled them with food.  They were ready.  

 Yeah man, give peas a chance.  I haven't yet, but I plan on it.  

Ruby before....obviously excited about what is about to happen.
Ruby after.  A little bland, but delicious.

 Owen tends to get a little messier when he eats.  In general, the whole ordeal is a lot less messier than I pictured.  I am predicting that when they get a little more involved we are going to have to bring out the hose afterwards...and Kessler will put on a few more pounds.

 Here is Owen trying to feed himself avocado for the first time.  He wants to do everything himself.  We keep several spoons on hand- one for him to hold and "feed" himself with and one for us to use to actually get more food into his mouth...although he really isn't too far off.

"Sleep 'til you're hungry, eat 'til you're sleepy."  ~Author Unknown (I think Ruby or Owen said this)

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Ruby and Owen love their Oma.  She returned for another two weeks to help out Team DuRoss.  She has been here for about a third of their life so far.  We are so grateful...and so are they.  :) Man, we got a lot of things done on the "to do" list, played A LOT, walked a lot, and did our best to enjoy the winter that wouldn't end this year in Summit Park.  Ruby and Owen particularly love when their Oma sings them German songs, makes them giggle (an example documented and shared below), and gets down on the floor and plays with them.     
Here is a walk we all did together.  Chip managed to find some potential trouble to get in.  Kessler thought she would swim out to help in case he didn't make it back to shore safely.
Oma helped and participated in all of our daily activities including reading, feeding, and putting them down for naps.  She has got this gig down.
She will be missed.  We tried to talk her into staying for the summer.  We might have her convinced to come back for another extended visit summer...when it is really summer.
Hasta pronto, Oma!!