Chip and Ruby talked about doing a running camp this summer. Well, they did it! Chip put together some activities and even gathered up some water bottles and shoe key chains from the local running shop. Nice work, dad!
random favorite from the past. Just wanted it in the book. :)
Hand squeezed watermellon juice. What kind of mom am I anyway??
Special movie day with mom. Saw Finding Dory in these uber comfortable chairs. Also read the BFG and saw that movie around this time too. That was fun.
From Kaya.
Oma gets here!!! It is raining out, so we make cupcakes and have a tea party. Excellent!
A rainbow even joined our fun.
Katy comes over to have dinner with Oma and us. She brings peaches from her tree in her yard! DELICIOUS.
A few people I know couldn't get enough. ;)
Ruby did a theater camp, Theater Bugs, and LOVED it. She got to be on stage in a real theater and everything. I have a feeling she will want to do this one again.
My silly Owen. He rises early to cuddle with Kess many mornings. This is how I find him...or on her bed with him.
Making potato growing bins with Jimmy. Yehaw!
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