Monday, January 16, 2012

Western and Eastern Unite

We united with the other half of the Western DuRoss Clan and half of the Eastern DuRoss Clan for a late Christmas celebration and hang out time.  We started with our Christmas family time up here at the Summit Estate for dinner and gift exchanging...a total hoot with the kids.  I included a video below of Ruby and Owen opening gifts from Nana and Papa.  Ruby is no fool.  She has got the whole unwrapping thing down.  Owen did pretty well too...but still really is more interested in eating the wrapping paper than getting to the gift. :)  I love the photo above of Nola, Ruby, and Owen all lined up to eat dinner.  These family gatherings have taken on a new life.  We have to stick to a strict schedule to insure babies and kids get fed in time to get any activities done in time for bed.  But, it worked out, both times we got everyone together (for regular gift exchange and then again at the Wilson Estate for the white elephant exchange) and lots of fun was had by all.

Just an adorable little moment I caught between Papa and his pal, Ruby.

Ruby can walk too.  She just chooses not to unless you stand her up and make her do it.  She is actually doing a lot more cruising that Owen ever did.  I am sure she will off and running on her own soon.  But for now, we still play a lot of the "back and forth" game as seen in this video with Nana and dad.

In between Christmas gatherings here in Utah, the Summit Clan joined Nana and Papa in Driggs, ID for a long weekend retreat.  We almost got lost and stuck on a snowy road in the middle of Wyoming somewhere as we poked around looking at real estate (a favorite pastime for this crowd).  Ruby and Owen missed all the fun due to their snoozing status.  Good thing it WAS nap time and they do look really comfortable.  I guess we'll let it slide this time.

Some randoms-

Owen...what am I going to do with you?  Every time I want to get something out of the fridge, I have to look to see if Owen is around.  He LOVES to climb up into it and cries if I close the door and don't let him get a peek.  And, I love this picture because you can see the TWO gallons of milk I have to buy every time I go to the store now.  We are SO done with formula- praise the lord- and on to milk...still warmed, darn it.  We'll keep workin on it.
I was making what still proves to be one of Ruby and Owen's favorite foods, when Chip got all artsy on me and starting taking photos again.  The avocado is a very photogenic fruit, don't ya think?!

"Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas."  
~Peg Bracken


Hope said...

So sweet - especially love the pictures with Ruby and dad, what a great moment caught!!

Aunt Laura said...

Audrey & Chip, Thank you SO much for the Nana & Papa pics and videos of ur kiddos! I copy 'em to my desktop @ work and it cheers me up every time!! love to y'all, A Laura

Joanie said...
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Joanie said...

Wonderful pictures of a fun-filled visit...only problem is that it makes me want to come back to see the western clanners! I love the picture of Owen looking in the fridge. It reminds me of a bigger DuRoss -his dad!

Aunt Laura said...

It's so funny...Al likes to stand in front of the fridge, too. I think they start young! I just grab & go, but he likes to contemplate the contents of the fridge (~: