Sunday, June 28, 2015

Mo Family

Mindy and Dax joined the fun for a few days!  Mindy always shows up with gifts, and anything related to bikes is a good bet.  This time, an actual bike.  Ruby has been working so hard on her bike. She is peddling,  riding dirt, covering miles I wouldn't have considered until my high school years, and so, the gift of the next size of bike up, was perfect.  She picked it up seamlessly, and as you can see by the smiles, it was exciting for everyone.

The next day we took it for a test spin.  "I really like it" she told Aunt Mindy.  Thumbs up!

Siblings. :)

Went into town and rode the trolley around for a bit.

Well, big surprise, we got a cow cookie.  I wonder how many of these we have consumed over the years.  yummy..

A visit to the splash pad to cool off...

and home for frappes and popsicles up at our  picnic table in the woods.


Aunt Mindy did some really cool science experiments again.  I mean, REALLY cool.  Things I have never seen before.  I don't feel like I can even begin to describe what I saw.  I wish Ruby and Owen could have Mindy for science in school some day.  It must be an incredible experience.  We love you Aunt Science!

Mindy and Dax treated us to homemade spring rolls.  They were amazing.  We will be repeating.

And, Oma stayed with the kids while they slept so that we could get out on a bike ride for a few hours before sunset.  It was pitch black when we got home, and SO fun.  This was my first ride of the year and I came home in one piece.  Success!

The second day we adventured out to Wall Lake for a hike, picnic, and some cliff jumping.

Chip estimated the height at 18 ft.  Dax did a back flip off of it.  Crazy!

And Chip flew off of it.

I felt lucky to step off of it.

Thumbs up for little person's version of high alpine lake swimming.

Oma- made it and looking good!

Group shot- good looking crew in a good looking spot, eh?

Back home, all cleaned up, for another group shot!

Mindy and Dax left and then, the next day, Oma had to leave too.  Ruby told us the night before that she wanted to wake up early (6:15am) and take her to the airport with me.  Ruby usually sleeps until 8:30 if she doesn't have to get up for anything.  So, when she woke up on her own, without an alarm, got dressed, and came out to load up, I was blown away to say the least.  We are SO appreciative of Oma's time and efforts over the past three weeks.  It was fun, emotional, and action packed.  Can't wait to do it again!!

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