Friday, May 9, 2014

More Winter

Nana and Papa watched Ruby and Owen for their first night away from both mom and dad. This was part of my Valentine's gift to Chip.  I finally felt like it was time for us to get a night away so we did a little staycation in Little Cottonwood Canyon and the Hyatt at the base of the canyons. The best part of waiting to make steps like this is that I was SO ready that I didn't worry about them once or second guess what we were doing.  Total confidence, total bliss.  It helped that we had such competent care takers for our most precious little loved ones. Thanks Nana and Papa!

It really was the most incredible day.  A 3,000 ft climb up Argenta to the most breath taking views.  I think this is one of the best view points in the Wasatch- just sayin.  I felt strong, alive, and full of joy and gratitude.  All good things, especially since I was prepared to feel exhausted, emotional (this is close to where we lost our beloved Craig about a year ago), and scared since really, this was my first time in the backcountry in three years aside from quick laps in the back yard.  Thanks to my amazing husband for finding a way to validate my fears and resistance and get me past them!

A banana shot for Owen.  He loves them.
I mean, seriously!

Love this guy.

And, what better way to satisfy the hunger created by such an adventure than to visit Lonestar for fish tacos.  
Alright, on to a few other leftover winter outings that I haven't yet archived.  More skiing at the Canyons.  I love this Instagram shot Chip captured.  Fun.

Some serious power wedges.

Oh yeah, baby rode in Ruby's jacket this time.

We got a day of skiing in with Nana and Papa during one of their visits.  They have been in and out quite often now that they have a condo just a few miles down the road from us for the year.  Yahoo for that!

Abby came over for a play day and Ruby got really excited because she noticed that she and Abby have the same shoes!  Ruby is pretty into shoes.  Not sure where she got that, and it is so not me, but it is still pretty stinkin cute.

LOTS of swimming this winter.  And, it is paying off.  Ruby and Owen can swim for quite a while, Owen can tread water, and when they want to, they can both do a nice back float.  Talk about peace of mind!

1 comment:

John said...

This is Tina....So happy to hear about your first trip away!!!! Yeah - this is a big "first" :) Thanks for sharing your feeling that tied into the whole day.
Love the kids doing their snow wedges...too cute!!!
Love you all xoxo Tina