Monday, November 1, 2010

Can I get some more (cow) belly!

Our friend, Ben, took some fun photos of us on the river front- love the city in the background- Portland, we are going to miss you!

28 weeks- Here I pose with the twins in my belly and ALL their cousins on both sides of the family. We enjoyed a weekend of visiting in OH and a stellar baby shower put on by Chip's mom.

29 weeks- another visit to the fantasmagorical Dahlia forest at Brooke's parent's house. Man, what a send off. Lush moisture, we will miss you and all the beautiful things you make possible too!

30 weeks- belly is gettin pretty large at this point. I have gained as much weight as a typical full term singleton pregnancy at this point...and have about two months to go (hopefully). When people inquire about my due date and hear my answer, their encouraging smile turns to a look of concern. Hugh. Things are going to get interesting. ;)

I thought I would try to get one more entry in while I sit here in Portland. Less than 36 hours before we hop in the cars, leave our full POD and empty apartment, for our next adventure. We are moving back to Utah, this time Park City area, to rejoin our community and family there, hopefully with enough time before these babies show up to find a place to live, establish care with a new doctor, and get Chip started with his new job on a trauma team in Salt Lake. We have managed to pack the house, wrap up work (for me), say goodbye to friends here, and line up a bunch of stuff in two weeks. There are about a million details that didn't make it on that list, but I have to say, I think we have been surprisingly successful in keeping the stress at bay throughout it all. Some serious team work (and when I say team work I mean I go to work and Chip does everything while I am gone) was in order to make this happen. Hopefully this bodes well for our twin parenting abilities. ...though I am not sure anything can really prepare us for that. At any rate- catch ya on the flip side...of a few borders east!


...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ........ said...

What great photos! You'll look back at these in a few year and wonder how it was all possible!! Can't wait to see you all in a few days...welcome home!

Hope said...

As always - love the updates and pics, but most of all love you guys and are excited for this new "phase" of your life!!!