Friday, August 1, 2014

Camp DuRoss

Oh wow- hold on.  This is a long one.  Just too many great photos- couldn't leave any out.  After arriving and visiting the pool (which we went to three times and still I do not have any pictures of), and settling in, camp began!  We started our first full day with a trip to Grand Teton National Park, visited the Rockefeller Preserve, and did a 3ish mile hike to a beautiful lake where the "cold water challenges" began.  There was a nice visitor's center at the beginning of the hike where this quote was on the wall.  I love it.  If you want to stretch with me for a moment, I think it sums up nature, yes, but also families, family reunions, and how we have fun together....and that we did! 

An amazing photo collage of the Tetons.  Up close you could see thousands of pictures of birds, fish, landscapes, etc.  Very cool.

Selah led the way with the swimming in any and every body of water she could find this week, starting with Lake. She is irresistible, so we all followed with plunges of our own, and thankful for the burst of fresh energy and the feeling of being SO alive that comes with "the cold water challenge".

Seriously, how cute are these two.  Mmm- want to squeeze them both right now.

I adore these two too.  Family by law and love, plunging together.

The Lupine were gorgeous! That is our crew hiking in the background.

Stylish AND adorable.  Both of them. Mmmm...again, want to squeeze.

This day was unstoppable.  Next we headed into Jackson to hit the Alpine slide, some park time, and grab a coffee (cause it aint over yet!), before getting dinner in Driggs at the Mexican restaurant which included a huge bounce house. 

Smiles all around!

Thanks for the helping hand, Uncle Chris!

Oh my.  Love and cuteness times THREE!  I can't stand it!

Alright, that is "the end" of that day. :)

Day two- we were supposed to go to the lake, but the weather was not looking good, so we checked out the board walk instead.  It was impressive, and, led us to this super cool trout feeding pond.  Some group members fished at a different pond, but even with bikes, our crew is not really covering many miles these days.  PS- I know I only post pictures of us smiling and talk about all the good times, but let it be noted (for my future self if nothing else), that Ruby and Owen are fussy, difficult to motivate often, and that there were probably at least a melt down or four a day.  I think this is all normal...incredibly frustrating and trying at times, but normal.  So, if it isn't, don't correct my belief for now.  It is all that gets me through sometimes. :)

Ooooo....the evening lighting from Camp DuRoss' deck is magical.  Picture below is without any filters.

Chip and I took Ruby and Owen for a two hour kayak down the Teton River.  It was incredible!  We saw two pairs of eagles perched close by in the trees, paddled past three bull moose IN THE WATER with us, and saw a bunch of herons and cranes too.  I don't think Ruby and Owen could appreciate how amazing of an experience that was, but I will never forget sharing that with them and Chip.

Ruby looks so grown up here to me. A raft guide in the making.

Aint bad, eh?

Can't see it well, but here is one picture of one of the moose before he followed his bachelor friends up into the brush.  Pictures can not capture the feeling of feeling of being so close to such a huge animal.  Whoa.

Introduced the cousins to geocaching.  There was a really cool one with maps for all of us to use to get to a second buried treasure.  It was a hit.

Shared the work of making dinner for 15 people.  This was Chris and Erika's handiwork and a DuRoss favorite. :)

Ruby really connected to Selah.  She CONSTANTLY wanted to know where she was, what she was doing, and if she could sit next to and be with her.  It was pretty darling. Here they are goofing around at the chuck wagon dinner that we went to.  This was a "mystery night" for all of us.  We got to ride in a covered wagon up to the dinner sight, we were scared by "indians" ripping around the forest on horseback, and entertained by cowboys and music throughout the evening.  It was a hoot and adventure.  Thanks to Nana and Papa for the surprise.  It was perfect.

Giddy up!

Alright- Lake, take 2.  However, this time, as you can see in the background, the boat did not leave the dock.  There was something wrong with the gas???  So, we swam, paddled around, and enjoyed eachother's company without a motor.  A great alternative.

That night, James McMurtry played for free at the Music on Main in Victor.  So enjoyable.

Even baby thought he was very talented.

There was another scavenger hunt this year- one of Ruby and Owen's favorite parts of the week.  Ha!  Kids just love searching for things, especially treasure. :)

We packed up lunch for all of these adventures many of the times.  I love this shot that Chip got of the masses of food that were prepared and consumed by this group.

The grand finale was a raft trip with views of the Grand Teton all day! Our guide Knox was great, and it was exciting to be in a raft with all the kids and families.

Our lunch spot.  Mmmm...I want to go back. :) 

The only group shot of the week.  Couldn't have picked a more incredible back drop!

Ruby literally napped for about a half hour after lunch. Ha!

Nana- you can take her out of the classroom, but you can't take the teacher out of her.  The kids would take any and all time she would read with them. So sweet.

As if this week of camp wasn't incredible enough, Nana and Papa wrapped it up with an awards ceremony!  Ruby won the "happiest camper" award for her easy going attitude and adaptability.  Owen won the "biggest swimmer" award for his sick skills in the pool.  The kids LOVED the Native American prizes they won.  They haven't left their sides since.

Well, after a few sparklers, we said our goodbyes, finished last minute packing, sharing of pictures, and sighed deep breaths of exhaustion, gratitude for making it through another week of adventures safe and healthy, amazement at how much we could all pack in and enjoy, and sadness, feeling the emptiness of not being together already.  Endless thank yous to mom and dad DuRoss for providing the space, resources, energy, and love to make this all possible.  It is special and a gift.  We love and miss all of you!


Joanie said...

Thanks for such an awesome summary, Audrey. Thanks also for being such an enthusiastic 'camper'! You have inspired us to start working on Camp DuRoss 2015!
Love you Crestview DuRosses!!

Hope said...

Tears....and joy as I read this!! Love seeing the trip again thru your eyes - what a treasure our time is when we are together. Xoxoxoxo