Sunday, March 6, 2011


 OT and the Ruster kickin it on the cloud Boppy

Mom, they left us!  Are we really on our own?  Can we handle it?

So, here we are.  Mostly on our own with only the occasional visitor now.  Are we ready? "Trust your instincts, Dr Spock advised back in 1946 ; but that involves a leap of faith that many modern parents find terrifying. " (Gibbs) I read this statement, written in the back article of a Time magazine, the very same day I was crying about feeling so lost and unsure about how and when to feed the twins.  Pretty sure I was also worried about the huge amount of time our babies seemed to have binkies in their mouths, and well, let's be honest, I also fretted a bit about whether they should be napping in a certain place for a certain time and whether letting them cry was alright or not.  I may have also worried about whether they were getting enough milk or not...just maybe.

The article was talking about one woman's chosen way to raise her kids, the book she wrote about it, and the controversy it caused.  The author was making the point that what appeals to some people about this woman's chosen method of childrearing is her tone of certainty...something that is hard to come by in parents...myself included!  I mean, what is there to be certain about?!  I hate it when people tell me "don't worry" about this or that- kind of invalidating if you ask me AND, more importantly, I am not always worrying...I am thinking...out is how I come to my best conclusions usually.  There is so much information out there these days and so much to consider.  How is one to know what information is important, and what can be ignored?

But, the author's very last point also hit home for me and helped me feel motivated to have a new goal in this whole parenthood thing.  She says, " if it's a puzzle to be solved rather than a picture to be painted (parenthood), and there is no way to know what it will look like until it's done."

So, my goal is to paint this DuRoss Family portrait along with Chip, Ruby, Owen, and walk the fine line between worry and thoughtfulness with as much grace as I can muster...and just take in the process...all the really beautiful strokes as well as the less precise ones, and to accept them all as part of our special masterpiece.  Wish me luck!

Owen and  mom

PS-    we are actually doing  really well towards this goal these days.  I am still playing catch up with the blog- (which is also my journal and the scrapbook) .  We will make it to current times , thoughts and feelings one of these days. :)

PPS- you may be asking yourself, "when does a mom of twins have time to read Time Magazine?"  Well,  A) I don't.  This was a one time event since they were born to date, hence my surprise in the serendipity of the message.  B) Even getting that one chance to read something non-baby was a luxury afforded to me by having my mom around.  Thanks again, mom!


Hope said...

I realized the moment I became a mother - along came the guilt. But, I wouldn't trade it for one moment - call it guilt, worry or thoughtfulness on making sure I am doing the best for them - I LOVE every minute of it!!

Love the new pics - too grown up!

ScottyG said...

the new pics are so dang cute! i hear you on 'thinking out loud'! almost every day i hear that voice in my head saying, 'i have no idea what i am doing!'....and then we make it through the day and we are all still somehow alive and well and i figure that i must have some little itty bit of an idea what i am doing. i can hardly wait to meet them! (i am sick sick sick...thus i'm sure my babes will be sick sick sick in a couple of days...thus, no meeting your babes for even longer!!! argh!!!)

ScottyG said...

oh for crying out loud! scott signs in too often and i have no idea he does...once again, scott is not that sentimental, just bella is.