Monday, October 6, 2008


What a motley crew. These four boys went to elementary school together. Mike Jefferies (far right) got married this past weekend in Vail, CO. Several friends (and family) from home gathered to celebrate the occasion. I forgot how fun (and painful) it is to celebrate Ohio- style.
I can't believe I don't have any photos of the beautiful couple- I will have to add them later. In true Jeffries style, they picked the most beautiful weekend to tie the knot- the leaves were in peak fall performance and the weather beautifully cool and crisp. It was great to reconnect with so many great people. Thanks for an awesome weekend homies!
"Home is not where you live, it is where they understand you." - Chistian Morganstern


John said...

It looks like you had a fun time. I'm glad Flat Stanley was able to make it. I hope there are pictures of Stanley with no adult beverages nearby. I don't think Stanley is old enough to drink. If he does any drinking he'll just end up flat on his back... oh, nevermind, he already is.

Hope said...

Love that you guys were able to spend time w/ old friends ~ you look beauticious Audz!!! Sorry, Chip ~ no shots of you all dressed up!

Love ya,
