These are Chip's tips peeking out from behind a Canyons map on the lift. We are the proud owners of season's passes (kids too!) this year.
Alright, this is going to be long and verbose. Just have to get this stuff in. I have been meaning to record more of the hilarious things they say and do, but haven't, so some of these quotes are from months and months ago.
Owen's first day of skiing this season. He gave the experience two thumbs up!
Eating has wavered for us over the past few months. We don't do smoothies anymore, sometimes we barely eat anything at a meal...ya know...pretty normal toddler stuff. Overall, I think they still eat pretty well. At any rate, when I do hit it right, Owen says, "Super yummy, mom." It is amazing how good those words feel.
If Chip and I, or whomever, are talking too quickly or softly and they can't hear they say, "What are you talking about?" Their little ears are always listening.
Not sure where this one came from, but at random times, Owen will look at you and say, "Whatcha gonna do, he haw!!" It has a sort of tune and attitude. Funny.
This is my favorite for SURE. So, around thanksgiving time at meals Owen started saying, "We need to do a thankful circle."...which is where we all hold hands and take turns saying things we are grateful for. We have said gratitudes before meals (or, let's be honest, during or after- I am just not that organized to start a meal together most of the time) before, but very sporadically and not recently. It seemed so honest and spontaneous on Owen's part, it made me cry the first time. Now, the things they say make me cry. So, we don't do it every time, and still, it is usually one of them (mostly Owen) who initiates it, but we have continued the routine. Owen says things like he is "thankful for his family", "his dog", "that mom made dinner", "that we have food", "that he (I) am sitting next to mom (or dad)". I am not kidding you- he came up with all those things on his own! What a sweet heart he has.
Family photo of our first (of many hopefully) day out.
Ruby is so cute too- she says, "I am thank you for...". She says many similar things to Owen. Owen always goes first. In fact, he will throw a FIT if he doesn't get to go first or someone interrupts him. Anyway, super fun routine.
Imaginary friends- we've got em. Well, mostly one. Her name is Didi, she is friends (thank god!) with both Ruby and Owen, she sleeps over and plays at our house ALL the time. I know about her mom, her likes and dislikes, we made a Christmas gift for her, it goes on and on.
Ruby liked her first day out too!
Ruby has really awesome verbal skills in general. In fact, sometimes she doesn't stop talking...I mean seriously, a story or song will go on, and on, and on. Half the time I don't even know what she is talking about because I got distracted so I just nod and smile. However, she has this glitch in her skills where she doesn't understand how to use "she" and "her" in the appropriate spot. She mostly only uses "she". So, sentences come out like, " I will dress she up.", "I like to play with she." It cracks me up.
Magic carpet
Ruby and Owen each have a snowglobe that goes in their room during the holidays. Each night, after we tuck them in, they ask us to turn on the snowglobe (cause they play music when you wind them up), only Ruby says, "Can you turn on my snow blower?".
Ruby loves checking out ski magazines. This is a good sign, right?
Ruby LOVES her friends, and started a few months ago, calling all of her girlfriends, "her girls". She'll say things like, "my girl, Greta and I are going to..." And then they turned into her "Super Girls". She reminds me often that she has lots of super girls, and that she and her super girls can do all kinds of special things. It is so cute.
Two friends playing in the snow.
Ruby must have been scratching her head or something and I asked her what she was doing. She responded, "I was wiping my brain, cause it was itching." Ha!
Speaking of brains, and speaking of "speaking of", Ruby and Owen will both say, "Speaking of...potty, I have to go pee", or whatever. It sounds so mature. And then, what I was going to say is, speaking of brains, it is SO fun to feel like you can literally just watch the connections misfiring and then eventually connecting. So, Ruby for a while would say, "When Owen becomes a girl, will he....insert question?" and both of them will say, "Mom, when you are a kid will you...insert question?"