Sometimes, I think our life is like a snow globe... and moving to Portland was comparable to someone giving the globe a good shake. All the little facets of our life, like the little pieces of glitter in the snow globe, although beautiful, have been floating. Well, I am happy to report, that most of these pieces and details are settled again on the floor of the DuRoss globe. I know it is only a matter of time before the hand of the great spirit shakes it/us up again...but for now, I will fill you in on what the results of this shake-up have been.
Kessler- She is doing great, but the poor thing really misses her dog door and back yard. She has to spend 9 hours, four days a week, inside by herself. So, our little perfectness has taken to chewing my sunglasses today- awesome. I don't need sunglasses in this town anyway.
Chip- I think Chip was born to be a student. I know this may come as a surprise to his parents (and anyone else who knew him in high school), but it is true. He takes on a work hard/play hard mode of operation that many students talk about, but that I have never actually seen pulled off. So far, so good.
Audrey- My new job is going well. I am a Child and Family Therapist at a day and residential treatment facility. Biggest downer- paperwork (most of it is on the computer- why do we still call it paperwork?). Biggest upper- I love the variety of kids and families I get to work with, I am learning a ton, and I work 4-10s. I love three day weekends!
So what are we doing on our weekends anyway?- Well, Chip has been surfing and kayaking mostly. I have been waiting for my bunion to finish healing up before hitting the trails running, and have primarily been road biking on my new Bianchi beauty and hiking with Kness. To celebrate the summer solstice, we participated in the craziest bike ride all over Portland (part of a festival called Peddalpalooza) with karaoke fixins in tote, stopped off for a doughnut break at midnight with 150 other bikers(many in costume), and finished on top of a peak at the edge of town with a view of the city lights.
The old house- We finally closed on our Iowa St. house. I have to take this opportunity to plug Joilyn Anderson, our real estate agent. She is a total gem. It took great perseverance, cooperation, and patience to get this one done, but we did it...even after the roof leaked two days before closing. At any rate, if you are ever buying or selling a home in SLC, we highly recommend Joilyn.
So, there is where the glitter has fallen for now. The pictures are totally random- more just something to keep your eye happy while reading my proliferations.
"The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order."
-Alfred North Whithead