Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

When Kessler and I got home from work on Wednesday, Chip surprised us with this project he had been working on. This dog door will free Kessler from having to spend too much time in her crate. It was perfect timing because we are dog sitting for Zoey, who is very comfortable with the dog door- what better way for Kessler to learn, than from a friend who can demonstrate it's wonders to her.

Usually we like to ski on Thanksgiving day. Mother Nature had other things in mind this year. It was chilly and gorgeous out today, but no snow. Therefore, we hiked Black Mountain with the two black dogs. This hike is long and burly at times. The best part is, it is only five minutes from our house, as you can see. This is Chip and Kessler just up from the trailhead.

After many hours of hiking, Kessler was tired. She likes to keep up with her side kick, Zoey, but lacks in maturity and longevity. So, we tried to give her a break a few times. She appreciated it and got right back to chasing and climbing after a little rest.

I don't know who is cuter- Chip, or Kessler. :)

"Zoey"- Pam and Justin's dog who really likes to play WWF with Kessler and is a rugged climber. We have loved having her the past few days.

View from the top. It has been a great day so far and now, we are off to Chris and Erika's for dinner!

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice. ~Meister Eckhart

Thursday, November 8, 2007

The DuRoss B&B- Babysitting and Biking that is...

Our self portrait certainly caught Finn's enthusiasm about our visit. Two five-month olds for the evening- a fun bunch!

Kessler and Finn have an affinity for each other- perhaps it is because they were born only a few days apart. Kessler wanted to cuddle with Finn, and well, Finn tried to eat Kessler's paws- they make me want to drool occassionally as well. :)

Hiking, biking, breakfast burritos, burgers and beers at Eddie McStiffs...all in a great weekend meeting of the Mulliken Sisters and their friends. I love that we make the time to see each other so often and recreate together- even though her bike bucked me off and caused me some serious pain (physical and of the ego :).

Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length.
- Robert Frost